We wanted to remind you of the two on-line opportunities for tomorrow (Good Friday) that Bro. Vann mentioned during the Wednesday night devotional last night.
The first is an Southern Baptist Convention Good Friday Prayer time. This will be live at 1:00 Eastern at www.sbc.net/pray or live on the SBC Executive Committee Facebook page.
The second is a family devotion that will be followed by an opportunity to view the movie “The Passion of the Christ”, and a challenge for every believer to share Christ this Easter. This can be done at a time that is convenient for you and your family. The details and needed links for this opportunity can be found at www.ShareEaster.com
Also, be sure to join us in celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. The service can be found on-line at www.cbcjesup.org or Calvary Baptist Church Jesup on Facebook or You Tube.